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Resource World - December-January 2019 - Vol 17 Issue 1

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48 D E C E M B E R / J A N U A R Y 2 0 1 9 T here is a well-known adage that says you find mines where there are mines. It can also be said if you want to find a diamond mine, engage somebody who has found a diamond mine. The latter proverb applies to a few Canadian junior companies with qualified diamond explorers such as North Arrow Minerals Inc. [NAR-TSX; NHAWF-OTC; 3OZ-FSE]. North Arrow has, as President, Ken Armstrong with many years of diamond exploration supported by the father/ daughter team of Gren and Eira Thomas, discoverers of the Diavik diamond mine in the Northwest Territories and Dr. Chris Jennings of Diavik and African fame. North Arrow has been the most active diamond explorer in Canada since choos- ing, in 2013, to re-structure and re-focus purely on diamond exploration, taking advantage of a sector downturn to assem- ble a portfolio of prospective projects at different stages of assessment but with unrealized potential. The approach has paid off. They have discovered two (Mel and Pikoo) of six new Canadian diamondif- erous kimberlite fields since that time and is the only junior to do so. Below are North Arrow's diamond project summaries. ADVANCED STAGE – Naujaat (100%): Developing a kimberlite in Nunavut with significant diamond inventory including potential value upside with rare fancy orange-yellow diamonds. DISCOVERY STAGE – Mel (100%): New kimberlite discoveries in Nunavut in 2017 and 2018; Luxx in Nunavut (100%): Kimberlites targeted, permitted and drill ready; Pikoo in Saskatchewan (100%): Ten kimberlites discovered to date with high- grade potential; Loki in Nunavut (100%): A new Lac de Gras kimberlite discovery in 2018; and LDG: An active JV with Dominion Diamonds in the Lac de Gras region. GRASS ROOTS STAGE – Timiskaming: A JV with Québec diamond producer Stornoway Diamonds Inc. [SWY-TSX; SWYDF-OTC] developing kimberlite tar- gets in Ontario. Naujaat (pronounced NOW-YAT) is the company's flagship project located just 9 km from the town of the same name at the isthmus of the Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. Naujaat's Q1-4 kimberlite contains a NI ABOVE: Outline of North Arrow's Q1-4 kimberlite at its Naujaat Project in Nunavut looking southwest. Photos courtesy North Arrow Minerals Inc. LEFT: A 0.12-carat fancy orangey yellow brilliant cut diamond from the Q1-4 kimberlite at the Naujaat Project. North Arrow Minerals well-positioned for new diamond discoveries in Canada by Dr. Edward Schiller MINING

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