Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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Mining Laurion Mineral exploring multifaceted Sturgeon River Property by Kathrine Moore Laurion Mineral Exploration Inc.'s [LME-TSXV; LMEFF-OTCQX] 100%-owned, highly prospective, 2,426-hectare Sturgeon River property is located 120 km northeast of Thunder Bay in the Beardmore-Geraldton Gold Camp, Ontario. Operating from 1936 to 1942, the historical Sturgeon River Mine produced 73,322 ounces of gold and 15,922 ounces of silver from just one of the property's 120 known high-grade gold quartz veins. Cynthia Le Sueur-Aquin, B.Sc.Eng., president, believes the Sturgeon River Project has both underground and open pit potential. "The existing shaft hosts a 300,000 to 400,000 ton gold resource grading between 3.75 and 5.30 g/t, which is entirely contained within the No. 3, the M, 10 and 11 quartz vein system. This system measures 200 m in strike length on surface and increases to 466 m in strike length on the 2100 ft level (642 m depth). This increased strike length indicates a potential for a far larger ore body at depth." The biggest surprise for Le Sueur-Aquin resulted from the deep drilling, conducted in 2010, that intersected a number of mineralized zones, unknown to the previous operators, up-hole from the mine workings. These zones strengthen the potential for multiple zones of mineralization adjacent to quartz vein lodes, and offer the possibility of far greater mining widths. Exploration campaigns conducted in the 80s targeted the gold potential within the quartz veins, leaving the property's massive base metal potential completely unexplored. "This has made the Sturgeon River property most intriguing", according to Le Sueur-Aquin. "Two main target types have emerged from our exploration work, which include high-grade lode gold style quartz veins within multiple, stacked, gold-rich, masfebruary 2013 sive sulphide, polymetallic lenses (VHMS)." She goes on to say that, "these stacked, high-grade lenses, host base metal and gold within a halo of lower grade base metal alteration. A good example of this is drill hole LBX12-010, which targeted the entire known A-Zone passing through five mineralized horizons within a lowergrade halo and returned values of 12.84m of 3.31 g/t Le Sueur-Aquin on Au, 18.1 g/t Ag and 3.72% Joe Campbell from GeoVector and Cynthiaof Laurion Mineral site on the Sturgeon River. Photo courtesy Zn Including 4.04m of 5.25 Exploration Inc. g/t Au, 40.1 g/t Au, 8.38% 27.50% Zn. Zn and 1.24% Pb in one of the zones." Laurion's short term goal is to complete Drilling has focused on the northwest part a NI 43-101 report, mostly focused on the of the system where the River, Tehya and upper part of the 3 km long Loki Trend. Loki Trends begin to converge. Systematic Drilling for the report is yet to be comdrilling of the A-Zone has revealed a consis- pleted; somewhere between 3,600 and tency within the gold-rich base metal zones 4,200 m of the program is projected for the of the Loki Trend, which holds great poten- forthcoming drill campaign. tial for an open pit with economic widths Lincoln Mining made an offer on and strike extension. "Drill testing to date Laurion Mineral's Bell Mountain Project has only been conducted to a total vertical for $2.35 million. It is a straight cash deal depth of approximately 150 m." stated Le that will occur over the next year. Laurion Sueur-Aquin, "Drilling below the 150 m announced the execution of the definitive level has demonstrated that the grade and agreement on November 29, 2012 mineralized widths are increasing at depth. Le Sueur-Aquin said about the deal, This information highlights the possibility "Focusing on Sturgeon River makes of wider and richer zones." The A-Zone is optimal sense at this time. We sold one of three trends located within a 1 km the David-Tisdale Project and garnered wide corridor by 3 km strike length. Laurion $4 million for Laurion in January 2010, has identified this 1 km corridor as having under a similar successful strategy. Our the strong potential to host a precious metal exploration successe on Sturgeon River rich volcanic massive sulphide deposit. to date indicates that we are close to Prospecting of the Tehya, Ahki, Loki and delivering a resource estimate…We are A-Zone precious metal rich corridor this continually discovering additional mineral summer, returned high-grade values up to occurrences as we expand our exploration 53.00 g/t Au, 133 g/t Ag, 1.86% Cu and on the property." n 31

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