Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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focused on the FUTURE focused on the FUTURE Mining Industry Awards Stornoway Diamond The E3 Plus award distributed by the Québec Mineral Exploration Association for "high levels of environmental and social responsibility," was presented to Stornoway Diamond Corp. [SWY-TSX] on November 22, 2012 for work conducted at their Renard Diamond Project, in north-central Québec. The award was accepted by Stornoway's Chief Operating Officer, M.Patrick Godin, M.Ghislain Poirier, Vice President, Public Affairs and M. Martin Boucher, Manager, Sustainable Development. The company received the award based on their compliance and paramount practices in exploration and development on the property. The NI 43-101 compliant Renard Diamond Project has reserves of 18.0 million carats and a further inferred 17.5 million carats. The project is believed to have the potential to produce high-value, rough diamonds over the mine life. PRETIUM RESOURCES Pretium Resources Inc., [PVG-TSX; PVG-NYSE] was selected to receive the Bill Dennis Award from the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC). The award which recognizes a significant Canadian discovery or prospecting success will be presented to Pretivm at the PDAC Annual Awards banquet on March 4th. Pretivm is receiving this award for their work in advancing the Valley of the Kings at its Brucejack Project in northwest British Columbia. The high-grade gold potential of the Brucejack deposit was first discovered in 2009. Pretivm began advancing the project in 2011, and has drilled a total of 174,182 metres to date. Resources total an indicated 8.5 million ounces of gold (16.1 tonnes grading 16.4 grams gold/tonne) and 2.9 million ounces of gold inferred. n 80 february 2013

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