Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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mining An aerial view of the Carmen gold-silver deposit at Monterde located in the Sierra Madre Gold-Silver Belt of northwestern Mexico (looking northwest). Photo courtesy of Kimber Resources Inc. 50 companies with defined mineral deposits Companies with an economic, defined asset in the ground are attractive to resource stock investors for several reasons. Notably, an investment in a company that is seeking a mineral deposit is much more speculative than an investment in a company that has a defined mineral asset. A defined economic asset tells an investor about the quality of a company's management team. It takes a competent and experienced management team to choose a project, find and define drill targets, raise funds for a drill program, allocate that money efficiently and produce a NI 43-101 compliant resource. It takes a lot of steps, carried out correctly, to get to that point. Once a company knows it has a deposit worth developing, a completed feasibility study is not far behind. Even a company looking to sell or joint venture their project will often move 40 ahead with the feasibility study because it provides investors and potential partners with a complete picture of the path to development and ultimately production. Of course other factors must be considered before an investment decision is made. Is the project in a mining friendly, politically stable region? What has the company accomplished since defining an economic deposit? Has management changed significantly since the defining of the project's mineral asset? What is the company's current focus? The following is a list of companies, compiled by Resource World magazine, which have defined mineral assets. Some of these companies have completed feasibility studies; some are at the feasibility stage. In addition, most of the companies listed have well delineated future goals and have outlined planned progression of their flagship properties. Furthermore, not only do these companies have defined resource targets, but most are also active in both exploration and mining, and have credible track records. Our selection incorporates a variety of companies, operating nationally and internationally, seeking base, precious and rare earth elements. We encourage you to explore the company's websites, and contact appropriate investor relations representatives for further information. n february 2013

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