Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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at Oban we can see some volume building and I think we can get to a resource level," he said. There might still be some room to investigate other areas on the property and even follow up on pathfinder results from other early-stage exploration. "There are additional targets that look attractive. But at this stage it's hard to say whether we will investigate further; a lot of [exploratory] aspects are budget dependent," Thompson said. "We did some of the work during the last [exploration] program, following up on findings in the Amarillo Creek area that secured high-grade float material. We also have some results pending on a soil sampling program in the area. But none of this forms a major part of the exploration budget. Over the short term, we are committed to the Oban Zone and getting that NI 43-101 resource," he stressed. Keeping costs down for the 2013 campaign will also be important. "We've got some ideas to drive down operating costs, although we've already been effective in this. Considering the project is in northwest British Columbia, we're proud to have reduced our drilling costs to below $400 per metre on an all-in basis," Thompson said. Looking at the wider economic situation for the junior market, Thompson was optimistic, although admitted 2012 had been difficult. "Juniors in general are struggling; it's been a tough year. We got lifted at the peak of the market post the '08 meltdown and it's been a bit of slippery slope since." "Having said that, we've been reasonably successful in securing capital to advance the drilling, albeit not at the budget we'd like to be working with. But as we build up volume on the zone, then I think we'll move forward [faster]," he said. "The project has high-grade mineralization and, with our recent results, certainly has volume potential. Some people have beaten the project down, saying it's just a nice but small high-grade project. But I think we're starting to change people's views, showing that the project has truly excellent scale potential," he added. n february 2013 TSX-IMA TSX‐V: QGR Toll Free 1‐888‐779‐0166 53

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