Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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TOP: Aappaluttoq rubies: rough and cut. Photo courtesy of True North Gems. LEFT: True North Gems' CEO, Nicholas Houghton, sits atop the future mine site at Aappaluttoq, Greenland. Photo courtesy of True North Gems. to independent appraisers who hung valuations on the gems. The final assessment rang in between $10 to $10,000 per carat with the average settling around $30. These test cuts not only proved a viable market for Aappaluttoq's mined product but also provided the numbers for the company to plug into a pre-feasibility study completed in June 2011, another first for such a gemstone project. Without this unique legwork from True North's unique management (Houghton is himself a gemologist), Aappaluttoq's recent project-financing deal would have been a pipe dream. But now, with both the environmental and social impact assessments completed and the production permitting process underway, the groundwork for construction should begin in the coming months. This is a project a junior can build. The just-under $41 million projected capital cost is more than manageable, especially with True North's new partners stumping up for an estimated 60% of the overall capex. Better still, this earn-in is contingent on the partners completing construction rather than simply spending a dollar amount toward completion. If costs spiral upward, the partners bear the increase, insulating True North against the inflation that's been biting the industry of late. Gem-shoppers, keep an eye out for polar rubies. n february 2013 67

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