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42 F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 1 7 The Hermosa-Taylor zinc-lead-silver deposit is a rapidly growing, major new discovery in Arizona being advanced by a highly experienced management team with mine- building and operating expertise U N E A R T H I N G S O M E T H I N G B I G a r i z o n a m i n i n g . c o m TSX: AZ ASX CODE HRR TSX CODE HER Woodlawn Project – A near term production opportunity in zinc • Feasibility Study demonstrates compelling development case • Positioned to meet supply shortage and demand growth in zinc market • Fully permitted with unrivalled infrastructure access pillars of zinc and health program." These pillars are: therapeutic zinc; zinc supple- mentation; crop nutrition; awareness and advocacy; and food fortification. Teck is a founding member of the Zinc Alliance for Child Health, a public-private- civil society to develop zinc treatment programs. Teck has committed $20 million for the Micronutrient Initiative. To date, over 22 million children have received zinc treatments. In 2009, Teck led the creation of the Zinc Saves Kids program and, so far, over 600,000 children in Nepal and India have received zinc micronutrient powder to reduce the risk of stunted growth. On another front, adding zinc to fertil - izers increases crop yield and nutritional quality. To that end, Teck has partnered with the International Zinc Association and the National Agricultural Technology Extension Service Centre of the Ministry of Agriculture of China to expand the use of zinc fertilizers. In over 120 field trials, it was shown that zinc fertilizer increases crop yield up to 20% with nutritional quality up 40%. Since 2001, Teck has partnered with WE, the world's largest organization of children helping children to understand the importance of zinc for good health. The company has held three awareness programs at WE Day events, including the Zinc Saves Lives Battery Recycling Campaign that encourages students to recycle used batteries. There have also been the Send One, Save One E-Postcard Campaign, and the One Tweet, One Life Twitter Campaign that uses social media to raise awareness of the importance of zinc. Teck's fifth initiative – the Food Fortification Program – is a partnership with chemical company BASF to jointly develop affordable zinc fortifications by the addition of zinc in staple foods such as flour, rice and milk. Teck also supports a World Food Programme rice fortification pilot program in Odisha, India where 65% of children suffer from zinc deficiency. With this proj - ect, over 135,000 children will receive a fortified meal every day at school. n ZINC