Resource World Magazine

Resource World - February 2013

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announced final results of its phase III drill campaign at the San Ramon gold system in at Santa Rosa on November 14. Hole SR-133 intersected 4.24 g/t from 46.6- 53.1 metres. Rodinia Lithium Inc. [RM-TSXV] is focused on the Salar de Diablillos lithium project in Salta, Argentina, which contains a recoverable inferred resource of 2.82 million tonnes lithium carbonate. On October 16, the company announced it had successfully produced lithium carbonate from concentrated brine derived from Diablillos pilot ponds. A purity of 99.45% Li2CO3 was achieved and can be washed further to obtain 99.75% Li2CO3. Salazar Resources Ltd. [SRL-TSXV; CCG-FSE] reported final drill results from its phase IV drill campaign at the Curipamba precious and polymetallic project in Ecuador on August 27. Hole CURI-198 intersected 2.5 g/t gold, 74.61 g/t silver, 3.45% copper and 5.07% zinc from 138.6-146 metres. The company has several other properties in Ecuador. Sandspring Resources Ltd. [SSP-TSXV; SSPXF-OTC] is advancing the Toroparu gold-copper deposit at the Upper Puruni property in Guyana. From January to end-November, the company completed 55,100 metres of in-fill drilling, increasing its drill-hole database by more than 40%. One highlight was hole TPD 413, which intersected 1.89 g/t gold and 0.18% copper across 60.5 metres. Silver Standard Resources Inc. [SSOTSX; SSRI-NASDAQ] operates the Pirquitas Mine in Jujay province, Argentina, and has development projects in Peru, Chile and Argentina. Output at Pirquitas reached 2.16 million ounces silver and 2.8 million lbs zinc in Q3 2012. Exploration work on the property continues and, effective October 31, 140 diamond drill holes had been completed for around 50,000 metres. Solvista Gold Corp. [SVV-TSXV] reported its latest drill results on December 11. Seven holes were completed at the goldcopper discovery El Retén within Solvista's Colombia-located Caramanta Project. CAD1212 obtained an interval of 1.34 g/t gold, 0.27% copper, 8.3 g/t silver from 15-85.35 Man Portable: portable system that can be transported in the back of pickup truck, ATV, helicopter or by manual pack into difficult or remote sites. – 2 man crew (basic drill package weight 220 lb-plus consumables) Environmentally Clean: does not require water or drilling fluids for operation (important for winter operations) – Minimal access preparation or remediation powerful. Versatile: samples bottoms of rivers, ponds, lakes or shallow ocean as well as dry land. –Typical range of 50-100 feet in favourable conditions Applications: tailing ponds, exploration, research, bedrock mapping, monitoring wells, soil remediation. PDAC Booth # 1501 Mar 3 – 6, 2013 phone: 778-384-0401 | email: | website: Continued on page 87 february 2013 17

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