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Resource World - February 2013

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Newswire Dissemination, SEDAR and EDGAR services since 1998 SEDAR filings starting at $25.00 Newswire Dissemination starting at $95.00 Unlimited Words EMAIL: Western Potash delivers positive feasibility study Western Potash Corp. [WPX-TSX; AHEFSE] has received a positive feasibility study from AMEC Americas Ltd. on the company's 100%-owned Milestone property in southern Saskatchewan. The study confirms that the asset is of sufficient size and grade to support primary and secondary potash solution mining for more than 40 years at an ultimate production rate of 2.8 million tonnes per year. The study included detailed capital expenditure and operating expenditure estimates with a production start-up in 2016. The study reports that the resulting after-tax project net present value is $2.44-billion, with an internal rate of return of 18.6%, assuming a nominal discount rate of 10%. On a before-tax basis, the project yields an NPV of $3.6-billion and an IRR of 21%. Key highlights of study: • Initial capital expenditures1: $2.91 billion Deferred capital expenditures2: $390 million • Contingency and escalation included in capital expenditures: $550 million • Operating expenditures3: $62.28/tonne at full production capacity • Sustaining capital expenditures: Well field – $28.49/tonne, plant and site – $17.99/ tonne at full production capacity • Rail & port cost4: $59.00/tonne • Accuracy of study: +15% to -10% • After-tax NPV10: $2.44 billionIRR: 18.6% • Payback period: 5.6 years • Proven/probable reserves5: 137 Mt potassium chloride 1 This includes water supply capex. 2 This includes all capex required to produce at full nameplate production capacity. 3 This includes estimates for labour, maintenance, power, natural gas, water, consumables, diesel and uncapitalized well field operations. Natural gas price equals $4.00 per gigajoule. 4 5 This cost includes port operator return on capital. This represents recoverable tonnes of potassium chloride. 48 PHONE: 1-866-873-8327 The economic analysis performed in the study was based on the following assumptions: • Base case: 100% equity, 10% discount rate, nominal cash flow • Mine life: 40 years • Production rate: 2.8 million tpy • Maximum primary mining production: 2.0 million tpy • Construction period: 3.5 years starting 2013, subject to financing and permitting approval • Mining start-up: 2016 • Production ramp-up period: 2016 to 2022 • Plant recovery: 93.5% • Product specification: K62 (98.1% KCl) • Closure cost allowance: 10% of capex included at end of mine • Product split: 80% granular, 20% standard • Potash price free-on-board Vancouver: US $450/tonne for standard grade (1), US $470/ tonne for granular grade, weighted as per product split • US/Canadian exchange rate: 1:1 • Inflation: 2%, applied to potash price and costs • Taxes and royalties: Crown royalty, corporate capital tax resource surcharge, potash production tax and income tax included in model Source: CRU Strategies. 2012 weighted annual average standard grade potash price. WEB: Unigold receives good Dominican assays Unigold Inc. [UGD-TSXV] reported significant results of recent surface sampling, geological mapping and re-interpretation of historical drill and trench results at its 100% owned Neita property, Dominican Republic. Results indicate a new area of mineralization incorporating Candelones SE and Connector, collectively known as the Connector Zone. Both areas correspond to IP anomalies interpreted from the 2011 survey. Candelones SE mineralization is coincident with a largely untested IP anomaly south/southeast of Candelones Main Zone. Candelones Connector is coincident with the deeper IP anomaly interpreted to link Candelones Main and Candelones Extension (Lomita Piña) deposits. Gold mineralization in the broader Candelones area has now been demonstrated over a strike length of 3 km. Based on the success of the 2012 drill campaign testing IP targets: • Drill hole LP 52 returned 69.4 m @ 3.75 g/t gold and 1.6% zinc, including 15.8 m @ 11.4 g/t gold and 5.1% zinc. • Drill hole LP 50 returned 20.2 m @ 2.6 g/t gold and 1.1% copper Unigold has commenced testing other IP targets close to Candelones Main and Candelones Extension. The following are the first results from this initiative. The Connector Zone Geological mapping and trenching has also identified significant areas of mineralization and silicification corresponding with the IP anomalies. Candelones SE is an 800 m long IP anomaly ranging in width up to 300 m, and is located approximately 200 m south-south east of Candelones Main. New trenching and historic drill results indicate mineralization comes to surface and may have only tested the easternmost extent of this large IP anomaly. Highlights from the trench sampling include 92.5 m @ 1.35 g/t february 2013

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